Nourish Life - Empower Play - Nurture Love - Together Stay

                        Thrive On Spirit Strong


First Nation Health, Indian Residential School, Sixties Scoop Survivors and Every Child Matters.

Healing ancestral and acquired Post Traumatic Stress Disorders through gentle, natural and proven highly effective ways and means, such as Equine facilitated wellness and many more.

Ancient Sage teachings, cultural competency, Indigenization and the resurgence of traditional values.

Children and adults living with special needs.

North Okanagan Brain Injury Society.

Unattended grief, sorrow and end of life support.
Best bedside manner, compassionate care and care for the caregiver.

Healthy attachment and family preservation.

Confidence and team-building skills. 
Environmental education, wilderness survival, plant medicines, harvesting, cultivating and preserving.

Oral story-telling, creative writing, fine arts and crafts.

Two-eyed seeing- learning to see from one eye with the strengths of ancestral knowledge, and with the other, the strengths of western ways. When combined, we are better able to see the world through a kaleidoscopic lens, in unity and solidarity of our shared hearts. 

Outdoor learning and home schooling programs.

Sovereign and sustainable living solutions.

Strengthening individuals resilience post treatment. 

Dudes Club and Warriors Against Violence.

Rights of passage, honoring our ancestors, fire, moon, water, solstice and many more sacred ceremonies. 

Multicultural gatherings.

Teach the teacher, volunteer and mentor opportunities for all ages.